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Initiate, mediate, network, enable - this is how the team of the Lingen Economic Development Agency understands its mission. As a service provider, it informs and advises companies from trade, craft, industry and the service sector. Of course, this also includes business start-ups.

You will find settlement and development opportunities here (this content is only available in German),
further information is provided by the commercial real estate database (this content is only available in German).

Initiate, mediate, network, enable – this is how the team of the Lingen Economic Development Agency understands its mission.
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Business start-ups
As a service provider, we support business start-ups.
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All facts and figures about Lingen as a business location
All facts and figures about Lingen as a business location can be found here (this content is only available in German). Facts and Figures
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Broadband & mobile communications
We offer detailed information about the expansion of broadband and mobile communications. The links are only available in German. Broadband Broadband Lower Saxony Broadband Emsland Innogy Unter...
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IndustriePark Lingen
We offer detailed information on our IndustriePark Lingen, which fulfils special requirements for space-intensive settlements and energy-intensive companies. IndustriePark Lingen
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The economic region of Lingen
The economic region of Lingen has made a special name for itself as an energy location,  IT location and health location. These contents are only available in German.
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Contact person

Photos from above: © Helmut Kramer, Coloures-Pic/, Coloures-Pic/, alphaspirit/, k.A., BP Lingen