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The town administration of Lingen is located in the New Town Hall, Elisabethstraße 14-16, where the staff are available to citizens for numerous questions and services. In addition, a great deal of information on the services as well as corresponding forms are available online.

Head of administration
The administration is led by Lord Mayor Dieter Krone. He is supported by three department heads: First Town Councillor Stefan Altmeppen (Department I, at the same time the general representative of th...
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Press and public relations
The administration reports on its work in the political bodies. In addition, it undertakes continuous press and public relations work and offers media representatives a comprehensive press service.
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Equal Opportunities Officer
Equal Opportunities Officer Katrin Marie Warstat carries out her tasks as a lobbyist for both municipal administration employees and citizens.
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Commissioner for the Disabled
Klaus Egbers advises people with disabilities and their relatives. He establishes contact with the authorities and institutions and receives suggestions for improving the living conditions of people w...
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Welcome Office Lingen: Only those who feel at home stay!
Andrea Rakers is the contact person for anyone who is new to Lingen.
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Voluntary commitment
The town honours voluntary commitment by awarding the so-called "Volunteer Card", the Citizens' Prize, as well as the "Voluntary Youth Service" prize.
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Photos from above:, k.A., mizar_21984/, k.A.,, k.A., k.A.